Twenty years ago this spring my work debuted in The Bark magazine. I carved my best girl,
Sally, as my first piece hoping it would bring me some attention and perhaps a second commission. Bark co-founder and Editor in Chief, Claudia Kawczynska, happened by my carving in a storefront window before the doors even opened, shot me an email and said they would like to do a big spread on my work - just like that.
Of course I was floored and during it all mentioned to Cameron Woo, co-founder and publisher, that I hoped the article would get me some work. He honestly just laughed out loud, knowing that it would likely launch my career and was he ever right.
Claudia & Cameron have since retired from The Bark - now The Wildest. I will be forever grateful for the part they played in helping me bring an audience to my work, which has allowed me to pursue my life’s passion as a sculptor.
Wanna read the article? Enlarged Pages: